2160 Bedford Ave
Bellmore, NY 11710
Phone: 877-357-3399
Fax: Fax: (516) 826-3798
Hours Today
Get Direction
Service Hours:Main/Teller: M-W 9:00-4:00: Th-F 9:00-6:00: S 9:00-3:00
Sales: M-W 9:00-4:00: Th-F 9:00-6:00: S 9:00-3:00
Other: Safe Deposit: M
Monday: T
Tuesday: W
Wednesday: F 9-4: Th 9-7: Sat 9-3. Drive-Up: M
Thursday: T
Friday: W
Saturday: F 9-4: Th 9-7: Sat 9-3.
Late Hours: Thu: Fri
Open on Weekends: SatBank Hours may vary due to seasonality & changes
ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act
ATM - 24 hr
ATM - Talking
ATM - Wheelchair access
Appointment Banking
Canadian Foreign Currency (order only)
Cashiers/Official/Bank Check
Citibank Business Specialist (on-site)
Drive-up Teller
Express Deposit Box
Foreign Currency (Order Only)
Full Service ATM
International Draft Orders
Money Order
Night Depository
Notary Public
Safe Deposit Services
Sales (appointment only)
Savings Bond Order
Savings Bond Redemption
Traveler's Checks
Wire/Money Transfer (Domestic)
Wire/Money Transfer (International)
Supported Languages: Spa